Saturday, February 16, 2008

Religion could be the cause of the problem and the solution.

This is dedicated to all those who suffered due to communal violence in Gujarath.

We are nearing February 28. It will mark the 6th aniversary of "Godhra train burning and post Godhra violence". About 60 people died in the train attack. Most of them were Hindu. Later on Hindu militants burned and looted Muslim properties for several days, resulting in about 5,000 deaths, according to Muslim sources.

People watched their loved ones getting butchered. The middle class families were depending on the police to protect. But they didn't. Men were killed and women of all ages were raped.. old, young and even the little ones. There were madness everywhere.

Gujarat government did not actively fulfill its duty to provide appropriate relief and rehabilitation to the survivors. It was govt's responsibility to see to it, that our families were safe and secure. But they failed to do that.Instead they were compensated for what they lost. Can money bring back those who they have lost?

All parents wanted to love and protect thier children and be with them for the rest of their life.But..
Children are not going to forget about what they have witnessed in their life. They are going to fight the demons they have witnessed.
No matter how long it takes people are waiting for their beloveds to come back.

Eventually who gained?

It's proved again and again ....Eye for an eye will make the whole world blind!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

90 Days in Detroit!!!!!!!!!!!!

for( i=0; i < 90; i++)
7.30 - break sleep
8.30 - break fast ( for almost 2 months Cheerios.... )
9.00 - Office
9.30 - Reaches office
10.00 - work starts
12.30 - lunch
13.00 - again work
17.30 - tea break
18.30 - back home
19.00 - Orkuting
19.30 - Show begins
21.00 - Cooking
22.30 - Dinner
23.00 - Chatting or movie
00.30 - sleep

Beauty of being with God

Jesus said: " I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"

Live life always by the light of Christ and be ever watchfull for his coming, that you may greet him with joy and enter with him into the marriage feast of the lamb in his kingdom, which shall have no end.