Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Emmanuel and me

First of all, I would like to thank God for giving me the wonderful gift of my life, Emmanuel. He changed my world. He is almost almost 3 now.
These days we are spending lots of time together playing, watching cartoons (which is a forced one :-)), reading books, going for bike ride, going to cinemas etc.
The cartoons he likes these days are tree foo Tom, bing, Andy's dinausor adventure, dugee, octanouts etc.

The thing he hates is going to nursery. But he loves to go to library though. But he is getting used to nursery now
He is learning things pretty quick. He knows numbers 1 to 20. He started to say complete sentences. He knows colours, shapes.

His first movie at cinema's was how to train the dragon. He really liked it and from then on he is a fan of dinosaurs. His second movie was Shaun the sheep.
I am adding some of his photos.