Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Welcome to the second day of lockdown. Started the day attending online Holy mass. Today, 25th of March we celebrate Solemnity of annunciation, which comemorates the visit of archangel Gabriel, during which he informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

Today I came across  Irish saint Eunan - whose faith transcends petty divisions. He has intervened to liberate war captives adn to claim teh safety during war for womn, childten and clerics

Day by day number of casualities are rising all over the world. Italy and Spain are really struggling where the death toll has surpassed China. U.K goverment has decided to go ahead with the measures taken - Stat at Home, Save NHS and Save life,

1. Go out only to buy essentials
2. Go out alone or with family members to excersise once a day
3. Work from home wherever possible

I managed to buy a bag of keral rice and chapathi flour from Kerala stores, Gillingham and felt releaved as most of the supermarkets are stripped empty. Didnt manage to get milk and egg. There were long queues at Tesco.

On positive note, for the first time Emmanuel and myself listened to David Walliams' Audio book " Grubby Gertrude", which was amazging. Emmanuel got hooked to it that he listened to "MineCraft - Diamond Sword" straight after than :-).

Hoping that things would get better in the coming days, signing off!!

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